Monday, April 14, 2008

Blog 10: Introduction/ Home page

How much authority do you feel school administrators should have over teachers' personal, non-school affiliated social networking websites? Is it a violation of the Constitution to restrict teacher's free speech? This has been a very controversial issue ever since Myspace has taken over people's lives. Future teachers should be aware of the consequences of posting or befriending their students on Myspace. They are introducting their students' to different aspects and roles of their lives that may be considered inappropriate. There has been numerous threats sent out to teachers stating, "Watch what you post online," "not to join," or "the dangers of participating on Myspace outweigh the benefits." Teachers who are currently involved in Myspace and post information about their personal lives should be aware that this could lead to license revocations, suspensions, and written reprimonds. This website is designed for anyone, including teachers, future teachers, and students, who should be aware of the different situations that Myspace can enact.

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