Monday, April 14, 2008

Blog 9: Rules/Regulations

Currently, there are no existing laws that prevent teachers from having a social networking site such as Myspace. It seems to go according to town whether or not teachers can contribute to them. For example, Clark-Pleasant in Whiteland, is trying to pass a policy that places teachers and students legally responsible for what they post online. It seems like the cyberspace world is affecting students and teachers more and more each day.
According to eSchool news, the Ohio Education Association, also known as the OEA, advises future teachers to not join these sites. If they are on them now, they are warned to delete them. They stated that existing members should remove their profiles, and although it seems extreme, the dangers outweigh the benefits in these situations. In Landum, St. John's County School Board says teachers are allowed to have personal webpages but they can not post anything that is described as inappropriate. I feel that if teachers are to operate a Myspace page, they should be aware that their students may have access to everything they post. I do not think there should be rules though regarding whether or not a teacher should have a social networking site such as Myspace.

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